PLATOvideo01 - sport
Trojhalí Karolína,suterén
Curator: Marek Pokorný
Zbyněk Baladrán [CZ], Josef Dabernig [A], Vojtěch Fröhlich [CZ]
production: PLATO, Vojtěch Fröhlich
Trojhalí Karolína,suterén
Curator: Marek Pokorný
Zbyněk Baladrán [CZ], Josef Dabernig [A], Vojtěch Fröhlich [CZ]
production: PLATO, Vojtěch Fröhlich
concept: Vojtěch Fröhlich
cinematography: Jan Šimánek, Vojtěch Fröhlich
editing and sound: Vojtěch Fröhlich
Within one day and one night, along with my co-climber we made a first-ascent expedition of a multi pitch route through huge spaces of a reconstructed mining construction building which is now made into a ro of-covered multifunctional sguarelike public space. The route began in front of the entrance of the ground floor and continued towards the entire complex. In the projection room of the gallery the visitors could follow the recording of the journey across the inaccessible spaces of the building with the climbers all the way to the gallery space where the record was projected.

Within one day and one night, along with my co-climber we made a first-ascent expedition of a multi pitch route through huge spaces of a reconstructed mining construction building which is now made into a ro of-covered multifunctional sguarelike public space. The route began in front of the entrance of the ground floor and continued towards the entire complex. In the projection room of the gallery the visitors could follow the recording of the journey across the inaccessible spaces of the building with the climbers all the way to the gallery space where the record was projected.